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嘴巴上的吻 kissing on the mouth (2005)[AVI/700MB] [複製鏈接]

. S& \* o4 k: [! }% g) M2 ?% q嘴巴上的吻 kissing on the mouth (2005)' |' s' V3 d. S9 L, A* v3 h* M
kissing on the mouth9 P. e0 v# \& `9 z9 a# t2 j# t
8 G* ~, `- V6 n7 m: l导演: 乔·斯万博格- I. _" I6 P+ ~! N& u8 F& ?
编剧: 乔·斯万博格 / Kevin Pittman / Kris Swanberg / Kate Winterich
' r1 Z6 R8 Z8 Q# _3 a$ P主演: Kate Winterich / 乔·斯万博格 / Kevin Pittman / Kris Swanberg
& h* h  `1 }: F7 y# |; F类型: 剧情2 H+ Q7 X$ N' Q
制片国家/地区: 美国1 K) {$ B) D, p) D4 r
语言: 英语
  F6 w, N& N& ]! _; I* A' b5 l上映日期: 2005-09-01' y7 C% c: Z$ X* D6 I0 y
片长: USA: 78 分钟9 o( N* ^, U- }/ d) J
IMDb链接: tt04467254 m0 |1 ]' \; G8 E. ~. s
ected by:  Joe Swanberg
: C1 |) J% [4 W/ s4 PActors:  Kate Winterich, Joe Swanberg and Kevin Pittman
4 I: T  }2 q8 I0 I+ ULanguage: English
3 x9 }* a5 j9 K9 T. bCountry:  USA
$ e( o/ y5 @0 K6 E" jDescription:  Raw. Honest. Naked. “Kissing on the Mouth” is post-college life in close-up. Ellen is sleeping with her ex-boyfriend while trying to ignore the fact that he’s looking for more than just sex. Her roommate, Patrick, isn’t helping matters with his secretive and jealous behavior. The small cast served as the only crew on this intimate and humorous film featuring real interviews with recent college graduates and a documentary approach to the graphic sex and conversations.% }) S. U7 `3 o5 [
1 ]6 I3 ^( Y) s/ a$ U' M

. D' \$ I5 r+ {( r' C; t+ }. C) S3 {: l; Q
- k! l' K) t& Z! ?! t3 E

$ e; }8 K6 B* W9 R. O' I. Q7 A* c) Y  A3 a' A. B; V: G% T' D8 w* h
( ]  ]% C- _2 f: J5 Z, m

" U1 t& Z) H5 B; l1 B! Q( r0 x5 m2 [* r: o) O, v% ?* ]
Kissing on the Mouth (2005).torrent (29 KB, 下載次數: 295)
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累計簽到:172 天
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發表於 2012-7-17 22:12:58 | 只看該作者
好清秀的美女2 i. S0 Y+ y5 F5 v2 u, ?2 J( J8 v$ r

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